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Crystal River Family Dentistry is all about making smiles! We believe your smile shouldn’t suffer just because you have dentures. Our practice offers natural-looking, comfortable full and partial dentures to our patients to restore a healthy, beautiful, well-functioning mouth and smile.

Dentures are sets of removable teeth given to people who are missing all or some of their teeth. Your Crystal River Family Dentistry dentist will take an impression of your mouth and send it to a lab where they will make a custom set of dentures. There are three variations of dentures depending on your individual case:

Conventional full dentures are placed in your mouth after all of your teeth have been removed and your gums have fully healed. Or they may replace an old set of dentures.

Immediate full dentures are exactly what they sound like. After taking measurements and models of your mouth and jaw in a previous appointment, your dentist will place these dentures immediately after your remaining teeth are removed. If you only need some of your teeth removed, your Crystal River Family Dentistry dentist may want to place a partial denture. These dentures work a bit like dental bridges; they rest on a metal frame that is anchored to your natural teeth either with wings or crowns. Some patients choose partial dentures over dental bridges because, unlike bridges, partial dentures replace many teeth.

The third type is implant supported dentures. Remember, dentures are used to replace teeth that used to be rooted in the mouth, but they only sit on top of the gums. Implant supported dentures have been a great choice for many people who want to enhance the retention, stability, function, and chew-ability of their mouth beyond what traditional conventional dentures can provide.

When you first get your new dentures, they may feel a bit awkward for the first few weeks. It will take time for you to get adjusted to the new fit and feel of them in your mouth. It will require practice to figure out eating and speaking again with dentures. If your dentures feel bulky or a bit loose at first, don’t worry. That is a common occurrence as your cheek and tongue muscles are still learning how to hold the dentures in place. Other common reactions are excessive saliva, feeling as if your tongue doesn’t have enough room, and some soreness below. If you experience any moderate or severe irritation, call us.

Due to normal wear and tear, your dentures will need to be relined, remade, or rebased and replaced from time to time. If you have full dentures, a minimum yearly evaluation is required for your dentist to examine the fit, function, and structure of your dentures. This evaluation is required every six months if you wear partial dentures. It may sound like a lot of upkeep, but your dentures need to be treated just like your natural teeth. They must be cleaned and checked for decay. Your Crystal River Family Dentistry team will examine and treat your gums for periodontal disease if needed. Allowing the gums or tooth decay to get out of control will destroy the support for your new dentures and will cause them to need to be remade prematurely. Letting gum and tooth decay progress increases the amount of care and extensiveness of treatment and costs, as well.

It makes the most sense, financially and for your health, to keep a diligent regime when maintaining your dentures and partials! After all, your smile, teeth, and gums affects your overall health.

At Home Care:
Over time, adjustments need to be made to accommodate the natural changes to your mouth as you age. Dentures should hold up well with the proper care. First, don’t let your dentures dry out. You’ll want to keep them in a special denture cleaning solution when you are not wearing them. Avoid placing your dentures in hot water as this could cause them to warp. Just like you brush and floss your normal teeth daily, you should do the same for your dentures to remove any food and plaque build up. Additionally, you should brush your gums, tongue, and roof of your mouth with a soft bristled toothbrush each morning before inserting your dentures. This will stimulate your tissues, increase circulation, and remove plaque. If you notice any cracks, chips, or looseness in your dentures you should consult with your Crystal River Family Dentistry dentist as soon as possible. Do not try to fix your dentures on your own as it could result in irreversible damage.

To learn more about dentures and discover if they are right for you, call our office at 352-794-6139 to schedule an appointment. Our staff will be happy to answer any of your questions, and can determine the best course of treatment for your dental health.

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