The key to a whiter, healthier smile is brushing and flossing. You should brush your teeth twice daily and floss at least once a day.
Visit your dentist at least once every six months! They are professionally trained to detect cavities or other oral issues in their early stages.
Change out your toothbrush regularly. Kellogg Dental recommends getting a new toothbrush every two-three months, or whenever the bristles begin to fray.
If you get sick, replace your toothbrush once you’ve recovered. This will prevent those sick-y germs from reinfecting you.
Make sure your mouthwash contains fluoride! Fluoride strengthens tooth enamel and protects your teeth against cavities.
Smoking is something you should never do simply for general health reasons, but it’s especially bad for your oral health! It’s the leading cause for gum disease.
Brush aggressively. Harsh, aggressive brushing does more harm than good, especially to your gum tissue. It’s best to brush gently, in circular motions.
Snack all day. Snacking on junk food, especially sweets, all day leads to tooth decay.
Fear the dentist! If you avoid the dentist now there could be negative consequences further down the road. But don’t worry, at Kellogg Dental you have nothing to fear! We strive to create a comfortable and relaxing dental experience for the whole family.