Phone icon 352-794-6139 | 6824 Gulf to Lake Hwy., Crystal River, FL 34429| Request an Appointment
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Before your appointment, please print out and complete new patient forms to bring with you to your first appointment along with your insurance card and driver’s license.

Crystal River Family Dentistry strives to provide all of our patients with the finest dental care available and the most caring team in the most comfortable environment.

Our very qualified dental hygienists will perform your dental cleaning. They will clean and polish your teeth in addition to completing an examination of your teeth and gums. This examination is to check for any signs of tooth decay, cavities, or early signs of gum disease.

These dental appointments can take anywhere from 60 minutes, so keep that in mind when scheduling your visits. According to the American Dental Association, you should regularly see your dentist for a check-up and cleaning every six months, at minimum.

Call 352-794-6139 to schedule an appointment!

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